Be friendly and be yourself!  The world would be a boring place if everyone acted and looked the same!


You’re not going to be everyone’s best friend, and that’s OK.  Just being friendly to everyone is the best way to meet new people and make new friends.

  • Don’t try to impress others by pretending to be someone you’re not.
  • Avoid cliques, these just make others feel left out and bad about themselves.
  • Don’t judge people based on how they look or dress, get to know people for who they are.
  • Sometimes people you think are stuck-up are just very shy, give them a chance.


Look into extracurricular activities.  Join a club or team and meet some new people that have the same interests.


Don’t let others risk YOUR future.  A wrong turn and it can detour your future plans in a blink of an eye.  Freshman year is a hard one.  You’re transitioning into adulthood and the expectations are higher in high school.  It is very common for freshman not to take their 9th grade year seriously.  The price you pay is at the end, when you are looking forward to graduation and find out you don’t have enough credits to graduate with your classmates.

Diverse students