Eagles’ Path
The Eagles’ Path Program is designed to assist learners who are over age and under credited or who have life circumstances that make traditional education impractical. It is for learners who are beyond their first year of high school though they may still be 9th graders by number of credits earned. They also must have gone through the RTI process at their home attendance center prior to being referred. The program seats are 70% CHS and 30% SHS and all referrals start with their school counselor. Most classes are face to face, Edgenuity classes are used to fill in gaps. Learners may stay for the remainder of their high school career. Learners will earn SHS or CHS diplomas and will continue to be CHS and SHS students, they’ll just be attending school at another location. Administrator is Jennifer Roberts.
Virtual High School
Virtual High School is its own school entity. VHS learners earn VHS diplomas and participate in a graduation ceremony at Rapid City Alternative Academy. Students are 100% online, the only exception is classes linked to South Dakota High School Activities Association such as Band or Choir. VHS learners may take Band or Choir at SHS or CHS and may participate in sports and activities at those schools. VHS learners are expected to log into all their Edgenuity classes every calendar school day. Because VHS learners can work from anywhere and can log in for short amounts of time if needed, absences are very rarely excused. Learners take 4 classes each term; each class is worth half credit. The terms last roughly 9 weeks each and there are 4 terms per year. Classes are monitored by Rapid City Alternative Academy staff. Continued participation depends on successful completion of courses. If too many classes are failed learners are moved back to in person classes. Administrator is Jennifer Roberts.